Monday 22 April 2013


When we think about mannequins, the first thing that pops into our minds is fashion and dummies being used to wear and sell clothes.  The first fashion mannequins, made of papier-mâché, were made in France in the mid-19th century.  Mannequins were later made of wax to produce a more lifelike appearance. In the 1920s, wax was supplanted by a more durable composite made with plaster.  Some modern mannequins are made of molded plastic. Mannequins are used extensively for the display of clothing in stores and in shop windows, and as decoration.

Mannequins are part of a psychological advertising strategy for designing fashion window displays to attract customers.  Before going inside any store, we first take a look at what the mannequins are wearing so that we can decide if that’s the shop we want to spend money in. Mannequins showcase the best of each store’s fashion and intrigue people to come inside.

They are the most powerful element for places that need to sale merchandise in large quantities, and there’s a complete way of art around display design in order for them to be more attractive to the eye of new sellers.

What are the latest and more innovative trends to use mannequins as fashion displays?

At a very famous clothing-store in Tokio, clothes are being displayed with half-mannequin half-robot dummies wired with Kinect technology to mimic the movements of anyone facing them.

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